Town of Emery Centennial 1889-1989
Town of Emery Centennial 1889 – 1989 by the Centennial Committee
The Town of Emery is the history of the people who left their homes and families in Europe to settle in eastern Price County. In addition to the historical information, the book contains photographs and individual family narratives of the determined pioneers who passed on their spirit, heritage and culture to future generations, while enriching the community they built. Originally written to mark Emery’s 100 year Centennial, and out of print for many years, this book was able to be republished by transferring the copyright to the Price County Historical Society. Through the dedication and joint efforts of the remaining members of the Centennial Committee and the Town Board of Emery, the Society is very grateful to all involved and extremely happy to be able to bring this book back into publication for the enjoyment of many generations to come.
224 pages